
Concept | Brand Strategy | Interior Design | Branding | Social Imagery

Adventure Awaits

The first automatic accommodation of its kind in Ireland, Firefly ups the staycation game, bringing the latest in design, tech and innovation to the heart of the town in Bray.

Our team at B&S handled the entire design process for Firefly. We managed the brand strategy and naming, the complete branding, the interior design and the final print applications.

Stay Wild

This hotel gives the guest a taste for adventure without sacrificing comfort. It also leads with conscious decisions throughout the space to ensure the customer’s experience is as sustainable as possible.

One of the challenges of a self service hotel is how to manage the expectations of the customer. It is a new concept for a lot of visitors and they don’t know what level of care to expect.

This was one of the core aspects of the brand strategy. We developed a concept that would not only meet expectations but would exceed them.

We developed a concept that centred around exploration and adventure. We designed a full experience that was reminiscent of camping and the romantic aspect of stargazing and being in the great outdoors.

Every aspect of the hotel feels like a nostalgic camping trip. We used banner flags, decorated the walls with tennis rackets, tents and lanterns. The hotel guest book is designed as a field guide.

Though the camping theme is bold in its execution the customer’s experience will be nothing short of luxe. Forget tents and hard floors; Firefly is fully furnished with cosy, comfortable beds, luxury bathrooms, rain-showers and soft welcoming touches at every step.